This will be the last day of mindfulness until September. Fall days will be posted at a later time. If a day of mindfulness is not listed here, it means we are not having one one on that day.
Please see our Come for the Day page for details on our days of mindfulness. There is no registration for a day of mindfulness.
09:30 am ET - Dharma Talk
11:00 am ET - Walking Meditation
12:00 noon ET -
First Sunday of the month-Five Mindfulness Trainings Ceremony
Second Sunday of the month-Dharma Sharing
Third Sunday of the month-Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings Ceremony
Fourth Sunday of the month-Dharma Sharing
Fifth Sunday of the month-Q&A session
1:00 pm ET - Mindful lunch practice with reading of 5 contemplations
Zoom Link for Dharma Talk
Meeting ID: 995 0395 4961
Passcode: 853213
Dana/Donations are one key way to help the monastery sustain itself as a non-profit spiritual practice center. A suggested minimum dana/donation of $20 is always appreciated. There is a donation box at the back of the big meditation hall.